Why become certified in Schema Therapy?
Are you longing to help clients make deep, emotional shifts? Would you like to learn how to work with different parts of your clients? Schema therapy is an evidenced based psychological therapy focused on addressing the unmet emotional needs an individual may have experienced in childhood. It is a very powerful psychological therapy, with a good evidence base for its effectiveness with complex and chronic mental health difficulties. It’s a multifaceted model that requires both training and regular supervision to implement correctly and effectively.
Learning to work in this warm and dynamic way has transformed the psychological therapy that we offer. Whilst a financial and time investment is required, the benefits to personal and professional development are significant.

Benefits of Certification in Schema Therapy
As therapists we could talk endlessly about the benefits of schema therapy for our practice but more importantly because of the impact we have seen it have for the people we have been privileged to work with.
Training in this model has transformed our practice and has provided a clear framework for working with a range of (often complex) mental health difficulties. The model understands that emotional difficulties arise from our early experiences of unmet emotional needs. We have found that training in the model has significantly strengthened and developed our individual therapeutic work. Furthermore, it has enhanced our clinicial skills in supervision, teaching, training and staff consultation.
Schema Therapy is a reputable, evidence based psychological therapy recommended in the NICE guidelines for "borderline personality disorder".
Certification ensures the public can trust you have undergone a rigorous process to deliver schema therapy with adherence to the model and evidence base.
This transdiagnostic model will greatly enhance your formulation of all psychological difficulties.
Schema therapy provides a model to formulate complex relational dynamics that arise inside and outside of the therapy room
You will develop competence in trauma processing techniques that can be graded to manage emotional dysregulation
Schema therapy promotes an authentic, emotionally connected therapeutic relationship.