Resources for clinicians and schema therapy clients

Schema Therapy Interest Group on Facebook
I co-facilitate this international hive mind for everything schema therapy. This is a resource for registered psychologists and therapists with live training sessions, clinical discussions and shared resources.
Join the group here:
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
E5: What are core emotional needs
E7: What exactly is a schema?
A psychology and schema therapy podcast by Drs Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry from
Sydney, Australia. Focusing on topics including schema chemistry, dating, narcissism,
breaking relationship patterns, reparenting your inner child, abandonment and the inner
critic. This podcast is suitable for therapists and clients in schema therapy.
What’s the Schemata
Hosted by Chris Hayes and Rob Brockman who are both schema therapy supervisor-trainers
based in Australia. Interviews with schema therapy experts and discussions about the
application of schema therapy for schema therapists.
Self Help Books
Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns - Gitta Jacob et al.
A schema therapy self help and resource book which explains the mode approach
to schema therapy and provides examples and exercises to help you work on your relationship with yourself
and others.
Reinventing your Life - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
This very accessible self help book looks at 11 schema based 'life traps' which underlie emotional and
relationship difficulties.
What is schema therapy?
A video explaining some of the elements of schema therapy.
Seven Minute Schemas & Modes
Video discussions with Ruth Holt and Rita Younan about each schema and mode
Detailed descriptions of the different attachment styles.
Descriptions of each schema

Click on each topic to access resources
The abandonment recovery workbook - Susan Anderson
Love me don’t leave me - Michelle Skeen
Attached - Dr Amir Levine & Rachel Heller
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 6 “Please Don’t Leave Me!” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
E 10: What is the abandonment schema and where does it come from?
E11: How your abandonment schema can undermine a good relationship
E 34: Abandonment in platonic relationships
E 41 & 42: Dating with an abandonment schema
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
E48: People Pleasing and Approval Seeking
Unshame - Carolyn Spring
Toxic Parents, Overcoming their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming your Life. -
Susan Forward et al
The Compassionate Mind Workbook - Chris Irons and Elaine Beaumont
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 12 ‘I’m Worthless’ - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Brene Brown TED talk on Listening to Shame
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
Episode 54: Defectiveness Schema
The Imperfects Podcast
Hugh van Cuylenburg chats to interesting people who are willing to share their vulnerability,
imperfections and struggles.
The Grass Gets Greener Podcast: Overcoming Childhood Trauma and Thriving in Life
through Inspiring Stories
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 10 “I Can’t Make It On My Own” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Running on Empty - Jonice Webb
Running on Empty no more - Jonice webb
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents - Lindsay Gibson
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 8 “I’ll Never Get The Love I Need” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Disarming the Narcissist - Wendy Behardy
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 16 “I Can Have Whatever I Want” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Will I ever be good enough. Healing the daughters of narcissistic Mothers - Karyl McBride
Co-parenting with a Toxic Ex: What to Do When Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Turn the Kids
Against You - Amy Baker & Paul Fine
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
Multiple episodes about narcissism, protecting oneself from narcissism within intimate relationships, coping with narcissistic parents and ensuring one doesn’t become a narcissistic parent.
The Great Man Within
An emotionally connected podcast for men hosted by Dominick Quartuccio and Bryan Stacy discussing purpose, sex, intimacy, masculinity and leadership.
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 13 “I Feel Like Such a Failure” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
The Compassionate Mind Workbook - Chris Irons & Elaine Beaumont
The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Journal - Nick Hooper, Olivia Donnelly &
Freddie Jackson Brown
TED talk – The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 7 “I Can’t Trust You” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Healing Sexual Trauma Workbook - Erika Shershun
Emerging Proud through Trauma & Abuse - Stories of Hope and Transformation
Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving - Pete Walker
The Grass Gets Greener Podcast: Overcoming Childhood Trauma and Thriving in Life through Inspiring Stories
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
E8: Six tell tale signs of a big self sacrifice schema
E40: The self sacrifice schema
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 9 “I Don’t Fit In” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 14 “I Always Do It Your Way!” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship - Adelyn Birch
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
E47: Are you living a subjugated life?
Unrelenting Standards/Perfectionism
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 15 “It’s Never Quite Good Enough” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko
Pause, Purpose, Play Podcast
A podcast hosted by clinical psychologist Michaela Thomas who comes from a compassion focused therapy frame and discusses perfectionism, burnout, the inner critic and managing ambition with balance.
Reinventing Your Life, Chapter 11 “Catastrophe is About to Strike” - Jeff Young & Janet Klosko